We Deliver Data Integrity
So You Can Trust Your Assets

Paravela makes data trustworthy and accessible, enabling you to have confidence in the assets you own, operate, or rely on, across organizational and trust boundaries.

Assets You Can Trust

We all depend on assets to navigate our lives – whether it’s a property we own, a vehicle we drive, or a contract we sign. Trust in these assets is paramount.

Yet, throughout their life journeys, these assets undergo numerous changes, including shifts in ownership, custody, and location. These transitions traverse organizational and trust boundaries, posing a risk to the integrity of data associated with these assets, which may not only lead to distrust and inefficiencies, but also undesirable consequences.

Our mission is to make data trustworthy and accessible, enabling you to trust the assets you own, operate, or rely on; and empowering you to make informed decisions in order to avoid unfavorable or even catastrophic outcomes.
Tell us about the assets that matter to you!

Areas of Focus

While our technology is broadly applicable, our focus revolves around the asset management, contract management, and open data domains.

Asset Management

Within asset management, we are directing our efforts towards real estate, construction, and infrastructure projects.

Contract Management

Our provenance technology is embedded in our partner Uqoud's contract management platform.

Open Data

Provenance is critical to establishing trust and improving the usability of open datasets.



GBBC Virtual Members Forum

Securing eKYC with Blockchain-Backed Provenance
June 27, 2024
8:15am ET | 2:15pm CET | 3:15pm AST

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